2010年9月28日 星期二

Don't laugh, world !!!!!!

I think, we have more reason to hate Anwar more than ever, with a political will so strong that would bend the world hardest steel, to get rid of him, teach him a lesson and even more to beat him and show the world what kind of loser you have supported....Hahahahahh

Bolehland like the rest of the world, suffered 2008 recession and the world welths had shrunk. However Bolehland took immediate action by launching stimulate package, and later introduced New Economic Model which maintaned 30% bumi's equity,10th Malaysian Plan and GTP etc.

So we have  every reason to be proud  of ourself, as we claimed that we had  reacted promptly and timely in dealing with crisis, and the results are substansive and enormous.

So we are ready to rebranding ourself in more transparent, efficient and open way in receiving the mega investment, positive that everything would be soon over. 

But, now we can concentrate our hatred for Anwar , his family, his party and his coalition, this should be utmost important agenda : Anwar first, everything later.

A two-days investment forum held this weekend to learn more of new opportunity of investment in Asia. Of course we are proud this mega forum ever held in town, and of course we are eager to lure this fat sheep to make Bolehland as monies dumpsite.

But, to our surprise, we first have Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group,  commented Anwar's case has tarnished Malaysia's reputation, and fear the potential investers away. Later, we have Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia to ask the authority to stop pratise censorship and control the Press freedom.

Of course the country's first man was abroad attending UN annual convention, who so proud to share with Americans our moderate thrust and experience in managing the multi-ethnic society. So the duty to so proudly presented the forum's keynote address lies on the the second big brother shoulder.

Muhyiddin, during  a keynote address, in a less proud manner that the first man, claimed that Bolehland has recovered so fast that he is willing to share with Malaysia's experience.

Obviously, this man was given a duty to lure the investors not to fxxk them off, which explained why he acted in different yet softer if not succumbing  manner, in responding to Sir Branson's  comments, which he found excuses for Sir Branson, said that this man is genuinely concern, and hope Bolehland would be better position in term of investment.

He even aknowledged that Anwar's case already tarnished our good reputation and fear off the potential investors, but claimed the adminstrators has nothing to do with this, as individuals have also the right to seek justice. 

Could I intepreted he really blamed Anwar for cause hemorrhaging in Malaysia ?

Well, as the typical non-bumi citizens, before I could savoured the victory of equality, and rid off sense of security of being treated fairly, I already get used  of the any form of embarassment, aimed at my beloved coutry....Cheers....

下午 1点36分
分享 19

richard branson英国企业大亨理查德布兰森(Richard Branson,右图)指安华肛交案影响外资的言论,虽然被政府支持者抨击为“插手内政”,但是副首相慕尤丁今日一反常态,认同肛交案的确有损我国形象,对吸引外资不利。















傍晚 6点13分
分享 87
继英国企业大亨理查德布兰森(Richard Branson)指安华肛交案影响外资之后,互联网共享百科全书“维基百科”(Wikipedia)其中一名创办人威尔斯(Jimmy Wales)今日也促请马来西亚政府撤除媒体审查,因为此举不利经济成长。



Jimmy Wales wikipedia founder根据《法新社》报道,威尔斯今日在吉隆坡出席一项金融论坛时这么表示。





英国企业大亨理查德布兰森(Richard Branson)昨日在吉隆坡的一项投资论坛上回答一名现场提问者的问题时表示,安华所面对的第二宗肛交案,已经打击马来西亚的国际声誉,导致外资不愿来马投资。


傍晚 5点18分
分享 166


richard branson根据《法新社》报道,布兰森(右图)在吉隆坡出席一项投资会议,并在会上回答一名现场提问者时表示,安华所面对的第2宗肛交案,已经打击马来西亚的国际名声。





















下午 1点02分
分享 64
richard branson虽然国内外媒体都报道,英国企业大亨理查德布兰森(Richard Branson,右图)指大马政府提控安华肛交罪名,让外资对我国却步,但是巫统喉舌《马来西亚前锋报》以及国营电视台,却扭曲为安华的态度影响了国家形象与投资环境。




utusan report on richard branson







第一则新闻标题是“布兰森被批评企图插手大马内政”,访问了政治观察员再纳格林教授(Zainal Kling)、理大社会学教授阿末阿朵里(Ahmad Atory Hussain),以及工大客卿教授沙烈(Salleh Buang),异口同声抨击布兰森插手我国内政,并促请政府不要理会这种无理要求。








rtm report on richard branson另一方面,国营电视台rtm1昨晚播出的马来语新闻,虽然没有表明是引述《马来西亚前锋报》,但是报道内容却与《马来西亚前锋报》在网络上的扭曲报道内容,一模一样。



2010年9月18日 星期六

3 Idiots

3 Idiots , is a 2009 Bollywood film, which starred by Aamir Khan,R. Madhavan,Sharman Joshi  and Kareena Kapoor ,which in a funny way criticize the convention way of education that make people suffer and kill themself.

Through the movie, I made to realise that India's suicidal rate are higher than other disease. A quick check through the net, revealed that India consists 10% of world suicide figure.

This movie was a success when released, and causing the public to further have doubt over the existing education system.

The film is about three  Rancho (Aamir Khan),Farhan(R.Madhaven) and Raju(Sharman Joshi), who are the endineering students of Imperial College of Engineering, where one of the best in India.

When the movie started, Farhan received call from schoolmate which said he knew where Rancho was, by then he was aboard in a plane, he pretended fell sick, and got the plane to land in emergency.

Later, Raju picked up Farhan, so excited that he forgot to wear his pants. They were on their way to find Rancho, and only to find that the ex-school-mate were more interested in revenge, to pay back at Rancho.

The film then moved to ten years back, where the trio first went into the college and being bullied and humiliated during the orientation.

Racho refused to dance with only underwear to entertain the senior, his senior threatened to piss at his hostel door, he just used something to electric shock his senior.

Later the trio became good friends, and Rancho wasn't at all liking the system, he insisted on lively education, he had few time confront the lectureres and professors.

I just couldn't recalled when I last saw Bollywood movie, but tonight I was bored and lonely, so simply chose something to the movie's title was my liking.

Isn't this guy magnificent ?
Well, I randomly picked 3 Idiots, the title written in PPS on-line TV programme suppose to be “三傻闖寶萊塢”, as I expected to see dumb and dumber joked all the way into Bollywood. Anyway, I didn't regret what have I chose.
It was a nice movie then, I hope those parents really watched as well.

The morale of the film is to warn the country not to be too obssess in focusing just in academic achievement instead of passion to learn.

The movie told us the things that we had aready known in decades yet not able to rectify, and things became more serious .

Well, this was a record-breaking film which set new records.

And I began to love this guy as well, and surprised to see he already 45, too old to play the role of a college rookie, but he did fine, maybe his childish face.

I checked his biodata, found that he has multi-talent, he writes, produces and directs film, he started off as a child actor, while his family actively involved in Indian motion picture industry.
I read his blogs too, but not really like it, he is a man with few words(blogging) only, maybe sometimes the effects of ones writting is permanent, could be disaster if you are not careful of what you write. I just wish to know him more.

2010年9月6日 星期一


I just watched a Hong Kong's chanel
's "News Magazine"『新聞透視』a half an hour investigative report type of TV programme.

In fcat, this is TVB's ways do in-depth write-up where news programme fail to cover. The other tow programmes are Sunday Report and The Pearl Report, both programmes focus more on individual and have softer approach.

Compare with the Sunday Report and The Pearl Report, News Magazine report the stories of social issues, and it started back in 1981.

I really salute the Hongkees for their efforts, seriousness, dedication and professionalism they have for making the programme work.

I wouldn't write much to bodek them,  but in fact will share tonight's programme. It tells the story of how the Hong Kong people attitude on greening the environment.

The story began with an old 欖仁 tree fallen some where nearby a hospital, and the environmentalist talked about how sad and shocked he was to know that the eldest 欖仁 tree fell.

And suddenly the doctor appeared, checked on the tree's condition(something like a post mortem) and claimed the tree's "wound" was infected and later  rotten and make the tree trunk soften and collapsed.

The cause could be hailed back a early of tree trimming during the hospital construction. 

And the camera shifted to few pictures of the other old trees in Hong Kong, and said the government plan to green the city, have in mind to plant millions of trees, and close to a thousand trees have been identified and checked frequently.

Some 500 old trees and 400 wall trees are in the list of need to be closely watched.  The tragedy of a 18-year-old girl died of tree fallen made the government to investigate the trees in Hong Kong and came up with suggestions to set up a new department, just to take care of the trees.

Well, the Chief Executive urged citizens to act as eyes for the government, to see how do the trees fares. The people are more than willing to coperrate but claimed to have difficulty since they have no knowledge of how a sick tree look like.

To ease the residents' burden, the Government issue a catolog, mentioned that one of the symptons is tree starting to bend or skew. 

The programme quickly contacted the authority, a team came and brought all the equipment, and found out that the tree still healthy, however the private doctor came for double check and found that the tree started from the bottom.

Later a member of a legislative council was interviewed to share her view of how she was so particular to see each tree being taken care, she even took up a course .

The programme engaged the other experts as well, and some complained that Hong Kong's greening is planned of a low quality manner, not willing to sacrifice development for environmental purpose.

"Trees are same as human, both gone through the process of birth, old, sick and die, therefore we should reintrospect the way we treated the plants and  just need to learn to live with each other in symbiosis manner." said the host  

2010年9月5日 星期日

funny videa to look see

Red is made a super fan of 818's court video, which recorded the most famous pathologist expert in the nation Porntip Rojanasunant  to testify on second post mortem of Teo Beng Hock.

Thanks to Attorney General Chamber's generous contribution, and willingness to show transparency, the court video could be obtained publicly.

Well,  if this were a movie, it's would be as hot as Mr Bean,  Red is not proud to introduce this  Malaysia’s funniest and tragic court video.

If you were bored to death, almost, this is certainly make a good entertaining piece. 

But........, would anyone care to tell me, if this is the standard of Malaysia's prosecutors ? No wonder the cases of MACC always failed and MACC laid blame on the others.

Almost forgot, the man who cross-examined Dr Porntip, is the MACC prosecution head, hmmm a little bit worried this would encourage grafts.

Dr Portntip have done a good job handling thise unpleasant moments,  bless her.

I was particular stunned to heard the MACC prosecutor asked if TBH was self strangling, and he asked if Dr Porntip had experience of jumping from the height.

2010年9月2日 星期四

blogger sued.

No joke about it.

A blogger was charged under Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 today, by using internet to make a false comments, with the intention of hurting the other.

If found guilty, the accused could as well end up a year maximum if jail or with max fined of RM50k.
Why?  What had he done or wrote, to deserve that ?

Malay Mail life and entertainment Executive Editor Irwan Abdul Rahman, 36, who use the blog name Hassan Skodeng in his March 25, 2010 posting, written TNB Chairman and CEO Che Khalib Mohd Noh, might charged WWF over Earth Hour.

This came to me as a shock, not that I am not aware the need of self discipline and self censorship, as the Government is waiting eagerly to strike out, and looking for the prey.

I have reminded myself not to touch something so sensitive about multi-ethnicity, religious and said nothing about the Royal family.

However, I find myself couldn't quite prepare for this, how could something so appeared to be a joke and seem so sardonic, could be intepreted as weapon that could harm the GLC ?

This is totally unacceptable .  Please stop make fun of yourself , my dear Communication and Multimedia Multimedia Commission ,you should take Brand's.

And fellow Malaysian bloggers, please don't let this bad incident break your spirit.      

p/s: just pay a visit to his blog, hey, this guy got sense of humour, he just have his background change with a Pinocchio, and write "The Truth is Out there , not here" . and "dont sue me, aint got money anyway"

2010年9月1日 星期三

baby dumping

Baby dumping is yet another issue to need tremendous attention and effort by the nation, as this happens in daily or weekly basis, especially in the midth of July and August.

There are suggestion to criminalise (charged for murder,when the parents were caught), to use DNA back to track down the irresponsible parents,  the politicians reprimanded the act and describing that it's is an unforgivable sin.  

The police even blamed porn material for the random social promblems.

Najib had said this could be tackled only thrugh religiuos and reproduction health education.

However those suggestions to punished the perpetrator are not well received, as baby dumping mostly happened out of wedlock, adultery, rape and incest.

When we are yet to figure a way out, I came across a report in  “當今大馬”malaysiakini , which said Government-owned TV station banning to air the relevant issue .

Red couldn't stop but wonder what's the reason behind the move, and is this the way that we face and solve problem ? Well, it seems to me it's like sweep-things-under-carpet attitude.

castle of SABOTAGE

How sardonic that I live in a castle of sabotage, there begins the story....

Well, this is a castle of six decades, the landlords, residents , tenants and passers-by and even commoners, which should united and devoted as one big family, are in fact divided, seems to like each other, but in fact doing the sabotage things, set to bring each down.

Now, we have a broken castle, those cheerful and joyful, light and easy day seem long gone, and without realise that I miss those day pretty much .

I be no surprise the species named homo sapien could done so much and ventured so far to do the castle good things.

However, this is no legend and I am no knight, have no intention to come to save the castle and chase away all the demon and evil ,even to bring sunlight back to the castle.

I am just a passer-by, in fact stayed too long for my own good, and have  mixture of feeling watching all this dude things. 

Deep down, I yearn for peaceful yet challenging life, I want to serve a castle which is full of hope, love, joy, and full of people who treat the castle as home.

Hell, I pray with my soul that I wants so desperate to pull myself out.